Presence And Practice

Fr. Ubald - The Center for the Secret of Peace / Forgiveness

John + Sungshim Loppnow

018 Fr. Ubald takes time to speak with John about his new book and The Center for the Secret of Peace. 

You can watch the conversation on YouTube here
Sometimes it can be easier for you to understand Fr. Ubald when you see him on Video.

This podcast was recorded on July 1, 2020. 
I was waiting for the right time to post it here.  Fr. Ubald came to my heart a few times during the 1st week of January.  I found out on Jan 8 that he passed away on Jan 7.  I only spoke to him this one time, but I miss him and feel the sadness that he left us.

Fr. Ubald lived through the Rwandan Genocide. 
80 members of his family and 45,000 members of his congregation were killed.
He came back to the country to lead retreats and equip people in forgiveness and reconciliation.  I am inspired by him, his presence and his story.

The Center for the Secret of Peace

Forgiveness Makes You Free
Throughout the book, Fr. Ubald teaches about five spiritual keys that draw us to Christ, the only source of lasting peace:

  • be thankful and have faith
  • choose to forgive
  • denounce evil
  • decide to live for Jesus
  • claim the blessing

Each chapter combines Fr. Ubald’s story with reflection questions that guide readers along their own path of healing: from fear to faith, from shame to freedom, from isolation to reconciliation, from resentment to mercy, and from conflict to peace.

Check out his book here.
I listened to the Audio book.

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Remember, you are loved!

Loppnow Relationship Center

Presence & Practice