Presence And Practice

Dr. Lou Cozolino - Shame Spirituality Trauma + Attachment Based Teaching

John + Sungshim Loppnow


Dr. Lou Cozolino practices psychotherapy and consulting psychology in Beverly Hills, California. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA and an M.T.S. from Harvard University. He has been a professor at Pepperdine since 1986 and lectures worldwide on psychotherapy, neuroscience, trauma, and attachment. 

Some of Dr. Cozolino's books are: 

Why Therapy Works, The Making of a Therapist and the Development of a Therapist

Social Neuroscience of Education and Attachment-Based Teaching

1st Question - As you see it - what is the biggest issue people are facing these days?

He shares an interesting answer.


What is the difference between Core Shame and Appropriate Shame?

What can people do with power (Parents, Pastors, small group leaders) regarding shame?


What is Trauma?

And, how can people identify trauma in such a way that moves them towards healing?


What does unhealthy spirituality and healthy spirituality look like?

Attachment-Based Teaching

What can pastors and small group leaders learn from this?

If anyone is interested in how Sungshim and John integrate the knowledge from Interpersonal Neurobiology you can find out more at our Therapy Practice - Loppnow Relationship Center.

We integrate this brain science with spirituality and shame.  Just kidding about the shame, we help you understand how shame works and how to experience God's love.  This is the core of our task - learning how to receive love.